Any further education appeal to you? Maybe a part time qualification if you cant afford to leave full time work, or a full time qual and part time work if you can afford it.
Have you ever considered becoming a Courier? A Courier in Wellington is a pretty good job if you know your way around!
Quote from PrinceTuiTeka: March 11, 2014, 09:15:53 pmAny further education appeal to you? Maybe a part time qualification if you cant afford to leave full time work, or a full time qual and part time work if you can afford it.It does appeal. My only issue being that further education would mean I'd be stuck at home for another X amount of years. I'm already 26, and at this rate I'll be living at my parents until I'm 40. It makes me sad. I have various financial obligations with my daughter also, so with the combination of living costs and child costs, further education would mean more debt, less money and being stuck for longer.There is the weight that, further education could mean a job I want at money that is good. But with this current economy, these are very much "maybes".If someone has any light to shed on this? Feel free.
I dumped my job at 30 and went back to study. 33 now, almost done with school and have some mint job options in front of me. Best thing ive done tbh.
Quote from PrinceTuiTeka: March 11, 2014, 09:23:02 pmI dumped my job at 30 and went back to study. 33 now, almost done with school and have some mint job options in front of me. Best thing ive done tbh.I did this but ended up with the opposite effect so your mileage may vary
Going back to school a little older means you have a little more drive than the average punter. You know what you're there for and you tend to focus and work hard for it. Well thats what ive found anyway.
Top Geary - 27th May 2016 at 12:10 AMI've learnt to ignore when you say derogatory things to me
Depends what you have a passion for tbh, because if you go to another job that's just a job then you'll end up in the same boat
If you don't mind me asking, how was being a plumber body destroying dangerous work?From what I've seen on job sites, Plumbers are the laziest fucks out there. It seems they let anyone in these days.Just kidding m8 <3