Topic: Occupy Hong Kong

Offline Tiwaking!

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Over the past few weeks Hong Kong has been caught up in protests against the Chinese Communist Party take over of Hong Kong. If you do not know about the situation between Hong Kong and China i.e "They're all Chinese, right?", then I will explain

Mainland China has what is known as 'Special Administrative Divisions', one of which is Hong Kong, and another is Macau. The agreement is known as "One Country, Two Systems" where Hong Kong has self-determination but still counts as China.

However, to travel to Hong Kong or Macau, even if from China, you need a separate passport.

This system means that Hong Kong and Macau are the most democratic and censorship free places in all of China, extending to Free Trade, Unrestricted Internet (i.e Not affected by the great Firewall of China), and Freedom of the press.

Unfortunately these three freedoms are totally against everything the Communist Party stands for. So the CCP has sent in the Army and the CCP announced the candidates for the Hong Kong Chief Executive. Thusly the Hong Kong people can vote for their Chief Executive, but regardless of what candidate is chosen, they will be pro-CCP.

So for the past month students have been protesting against the CCP and Mainland China with the #occupycentral movement. 50,000+ people have been blocking off the Hong Kong central business district. Last night: 80,000 people protested. Police have been using tear gas but it is not enough to disperse a crowd that size. Also, the protest has been peaceful which has been a public relations disaster for the CCP, but not the Hong Kong Police because they are the best in the world and are just doing what they are told.

Tomorrow is China's National Day, when China celebrates the establishment of the Peoples Republic Of China aka The absolute domination of China by the Chinese Communist Party.

So you can expect the biggest protest in Hong Kong history tomorrow. It may also be the last ever protest in Hong Kong as China will not be able to rely on the Hong Kong police.

Spoiler :
What Chinese Students Know

I have been talking to Chinese Students from Mainland China and it is very interesting. Do you know how people make fun of America for knowing nothing else but American History and Geography? China is worse than this. Much worse. For starters: China's Political/Municipal System cuts China into different Provinces AND has four PRC Municipalities: Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing.

These four cities are more powerful that the rest of China.

When I tell the Chinese students that this is an incredibly bad system they usually ask why. It is because no time in history has anyone ever been able to control a city that is more powerful than the country it comes from. This combined with the fact, we live in the era of the independence movements, such as Southern Sudan, East Timor, Kosovo, and Montenegro mean the separation of administration division between provinces and cities is bad.

Japan is a good example of this. When a division gets too important, they make it separate e.g Kanto, Tokyo, Shibuya, Ginza

If a weaker economy attempts to direct a stronger economy, then both are destined to fail. This is the same as the short version of Gresham's Law: "Bad money drives out good"

There is also an interesting note about voting in China. Children dont vote, their parents vote for their family. And by 'Children' I mean 'everyone born to their parents'. Some people will spend their whole lives never voting.

Why Protest in Hong Kong?!

The students who are protesting are around 20 years old.
Hong Kong has an Human Development Index of 15/187 (Very High).
China has an HDI of 91/187 (High)
Beijing has an HDI of 0.821, the same as Poland (35/187 (Very High))

Hong Kong's future relies on its current HDI being maintained. There is no way that interference from Mainland China can improve Hong Kong's situation, and can only negatively impact it. In fact: Mainland Chinese have been negatively impacting Hong Kong ever since the hand over.

Here is a video of a Mainland Chinese person shitting in a Hong Kong street

Chinese Mainlander crapping On The Street In Hong Kong

Also: Mainland Chinese have been flocking to Hong Kong to have babies because Hong Kong has a two child policy, so any child born in Hong Kong can have two children. This is made worse by Mainland Chinese going to Hong Kong to buy baby products because no one trusts Chinese brand milk powder or nappies after several product recalls and scandals.

The students are protesting because this may be their last chance for Hong Kong's self determination. It may also be the last time they will be able to protest because if the tanks start rolling in, no one will speak out ever again.

Posted: September 30, 2014, 11:03:59 pm
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Offline 420fairy

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thanks Tiwa

Our business is suffering from this already - the chinese keep holding up our stock that our HK supplier is sending.  They have enforced super strict ridiculous strict customs processes so everything is being delayed by damn days.

Reply #1 Posted: October 01, 2014, 08:47:43 am

Offline The Demon Lord

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Inb4 the tanks roll down the street

Reply #2 Posted: October 01, 2014, 09:32:07 am

Offline Tiwaking!

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thanks Tiwa

Our business is suffering from this already - the chinese keep holding up our stock that our HK supplier is sending.  They have enforced super strict ridiculous strict customs processes so everything is being delayed by damn days.
I was talking to Chinese students and apparently Hong Kong is one of the few places you can easily get an iPhone 6. The sale of the iPhone 6 is more or less banned in China. The students told me that customs officials catch people smuggling iPhone's into the country and more than 1,000 have confiscated.

They also told me that if you want an iPhone 6 then make friends with Chinese Custom Officals because they get them for free.
Inb4 the tanks roll down the street
I am still waiting for news from Hong Kong. The students, who have been sleeping on the streets, should be up soon. Also it is China's National Day which is a holiday so there should be a lot of people in Hong Kong today.
Last Edit: October 01, 2014, 09:44:41 am by Tiwaking!

Reply #3 Posted: October 01, 2014, 09:40:11 am
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Offline Tiwaking!

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Man. Google Plus is FULL of the fifty cent brigade right now
Spoiler :
The 50 Cent Party (Chinese: 五毛党 wǔmáo dǎng) are Internet commentators (Chinese: 网络评论员 wǎngluò pínglùn yuán) hired by the government of the People's Republic of China (both local and central) or the Communist Party to post comments favorable towards party policies in an attempt to shape and sway public opinion on various Internet message boards

China's Professional Trolls, the 50 Cent Brigade! | China Uncensored
This seems incredibly ironic, and pointless, as Google, Twitter, Facebook, and now Instagram are all blocked in China so the only people reading their posts are foreigners, and foreigners have better news outlets than Google Plus

Here is a legitimate post from Hong Kong, along with the rarely seen panoramic photo view function
Here are some Mainland Chinese in Hong Kong's views of the protests

edit: Also Weibo (Chinese Facebook Clone) and WeChat are currently being heavily censored. Any mention of Hong Kong including xianggang), protest, or occupy central, will consign your post to the nearest memory hole

Here is a good example of what propaganda looks like:
US Openly Approves Hong Kong Chaos it Created

Image: The US now openly supports chaos on the streets of Hong Kong, this
after condemning "occupy" protests in Bangkok earlier this year. The
difference being in Thailand, protests sought to oust a US proxy, Hong Kong
protests seek to put one into power.
September 30, 2014 (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - The "Occupy Central" protests in Hong Kong continue on - destabilizing the small southern Chinese island famous as an international hub for corporate-financier interests, and before that, the colonial ambitions of the British Empire. Those interests have been conspiring for years to peel the island away from Beijing after it was begrudgingly returned to China in the late 1990's, and use it as a springboard to further destabilize mainland China

Last Edit: October 01, 2014, 11:31:30 am by Tiwaking!

Reply #4 Posted: October 01, 2014, 11:02:35 am
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Offline Tiwaking!

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Wow. The 50 cent brigade are trying to attack the Wikipedia article

Unfortunately they've met a force that is faster, more authoritarian, and much more strict than anything the Chinese Communist Party could ever try to come up with: The Wikipedia Admins

Reply #5 Posted: October 01, 2014, 07:38:52 pm
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Offline Bounty Hunter

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Unfortunately they've met a force that is faster, more authoritarian, and much more strict than anything the Chinese Communist Party could ever try to come up with: The Wikipedia Admins

Those guys scare the shit out of me, their ruthless apparently untiring administration of one of the biggest most powerful platforms on the internet.


Reply #6 Posted: October 02, 2014, 09:31:29 am
"We are the majority we arent the tards, the people we pick on are." -Luse_K

Offline Black Heart

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Freedom is a privilege, everybody knows that. It's the first thing taken away when shit goes down.

Reply #7 Posted: October 03, 2014, 12:25:56 pm

Offline Tiwaking!

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Freedom is a privilege, everybody knows that. It's the first thing taken away when shit goes down.
The government have ordered everyone to pack up by tomorrow.

The Mainland Chinese Tourists will be coming to do their shopping. There is a total media blackout of the Hong Kong protests on the Mainland. It would be quite interesting for tourists to turn up and find 40,000 Hong Kongers stopping them from doing business.
"Now the students are trying to control the government," complained a man who gave only his first name, Jackie. "If there was a riot on Wall Street in America they wouldn't tolerate such troublemaking."

Reply #8 Posted: October 05, 2014, 07:28:09 pm
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Offline Black Heart

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lol funny cos its true.

Reply #9 Posted: October 06, 2014, 02:41:34 pm

Offline Arnifix

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Fuck I love some wikipedians.

Reply #10 Posted: October 06, 2014, 08:27:09 pm

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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Hong Kong should be ceded back to the United Kingdom.

Then when Charles becomes King, we can call him King Kong.

Reply #11 Posted: October 06, 2014, 10:13:58 pm

Offline Tiwaking!

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One of the most ironic things about the protest are the people who criticise them. Mainland Chinese claim that Hong Kong is full of Mainland Chinese people, which is true. Mainland Chinese escaped from China to Hong Kong to escape the civil war and Mao Zedong's tyrannical rule.

And now the Seven Faces of Mao Zedong (中国共产党中央政治局常务委员会) have come back to Hong Kong and their children of the refugees are understandably scared. If Mainland China was so great, why do the Mainlanders keep buying everything from Hong Kong? And why do they want to live there or give birth there?

Because Mainland China is a shit hole and they dont want Hong Kong to turn into a shit hole too.

Reply #12 Posted: October 08, 2014, 08:22:45 am
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Offline Tiwaking!

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I was trying to find a picture of the barricade made entirely of Middle Fingers
Found this instead

Dont mess with people armed with Lightsaber devices

Reply #13 Posted: October 18, 2014, 08:13:15 pm
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It appears that the Occupy Central movement has inspired a set of cartoon characters

Reply #14 Posted: November 02, 2014, 01:14:34 pm
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Is this still ongoing? I just read a news article that mentioned 'the recent protests in Hong Kong' and I wondered if they really meant 'the current protests' as I've not heard anything (I don't do news - what little I do get by oversaturation is "fucking immigrants are flooding us, we need to deport the fucking lot of them" ('coz UK is such a friendly place).

What's the latest Tiwa?

Reply #15 Posted: November 03, 2014, 01:30:53 am
Everyone needs more Bruce Campbell.

Offline Tiwaking!

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Is this still ongoing? I just read a news article that mentioned 'the recent protests in Hong Kong' and I wondered if they really meant 'the current protests' as I've not heard anything (I don't do news - what little I do get by oversaturation is "fucking immigrants are flooding us, we need to deport the fucking lot of them" ('coz UK is such a friendly place).

What's the latest Tiwa?
I am totally not sure

The core of the student protesters are still taking shifts between protesting/manning the barricades and going to classes, but a whole bunch of other pro democracy groups keep joining in
Hong Kong protests: Pro-democracy demonstrators break into government building, clash with riot police
Posted 24 minutes agoWed 19 Nov 2014, 5:54pm

 Hong Kong protesters clash with police outside Legislative Council
PHOTO: Hong Kong protesters clash with police outside the city's legislature. (Reuters: Tyrone Siu)
RELATED STORY: Hong Kong authorities begin clearing main protest camp
MAP: Hong Kong
Hong Kong riot police have clashed with pro-democracy protesters after a small group broke into a government building in Admiralty district.

About 100 police with helmets, batons and shields stood guard outside the city's Legislative Council in the early hours of Wednesday, facing off with protesters.

A small group of protesters charged towards the building and used metal barricades and concrete tiles to ram a glass side door.

They eventually smashed through, with several managing to get inside, witnesses said.

Police rushed over, using pepper spray and batons to keep other demonstrators from also smashing their way in.

Four people were arrested while three officers were treated in hospital for injuries, police said in a statement.

The protest site was peaceful later in the morning, with just a handful of police on guard.

It was the first time protesters had broken into a key public building, defying the expectations of many political analysts who had predicted that Hong Kong's most tenacious and protracted protest movement would slowly wind down.

Demonstrators have been camped on three major Hong Kong thoroughfares for seven weeks, demanding free leadership elections.

Reply #16 Posted: November 19, 2014, 06:20:39 pm
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Offline Tiwaking!

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I cant believe the present of China Uncensored managed to get into China without getting in trouble. Or getting shot!

The Police Brutality of Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement | China Uncensored

Reply #17 Posted: December 06, 2014, 09:24:54 pm
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Offline Tiwaking!

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The protests may be over. The Hong Kong police are clearing out the last camp
POLICE have arrested protesters as they move in to clear Hong Kong's last remaining pro-democracy site.

JUST a handful of demonstrators are making a final peaceful stand, after the main camp was demolished last week.

After more than two months of rallies, a committed core of around a dozen protesters staged a sit-in at the centre of the last site in the busy shopping district of Causeway Bay as police cut away barricades and tore down banners and shelters.
From students to the elderly, the protesters were led away without resisting, some shouting "We will be back" and "Fight to the end".
Meanwhile, trucks and cleaning teams moved in to remove the debris, and roads around the site which have been closed for weeks reopened.
Causeway Bay is the smallest of the three camps that sprang up in late September, paralysing sections of the city, as part of a student-led campaign for free leadership elections.
Activists occupied major traffic arteries after China said in August that candidates for the city's chief executive elections in 2017 would first be vetted by a loyalist committee, a move campaigners said will ensure a pro-Beijing stooge in the leadership role.

Reply #18 Posted: December 15, 2014, 08:38:47 pm
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