Topic: Life Changing Decisions

Offline Retardobot

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I've dropped from 87kg to 82kg. Have't dropped muscle mass, have just leaned up a lot more.

With my metabolism it's too hard to keep putting on weight. To break the 87kg mark I was pushing 'force feeding' territory. Eating more than you can handle, waking yourself up in 2-3 hour intervals during the night to eat just to keep the calorie intake up.

At 82kg I can pack away whatever I want and not feel guilty because any weight I put on is a bonus. So it's pizza this weekend.

Reply #150 Posted: March 27, 2015, 08:50:28 am

Offline 420fairy

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i have achieved 3/4 of my goal so far so im not far away from what i set out to do
lost more on the waist than what i originally wanted thats cool instead of a 30 inch im sitting on 29 may just go to 28 and call it a day. Dress size originally a 14 now sitting at a size 8 quite comfortably
Weight only 4 kg to go and ill be sitting at 55kg

well done Bert and Rii :) 

Reply #151 Posted: March 27, 2015, 09:11:52 am

Offline Lias

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At 82kg I can pack away whatever I want and not feel guilty because any weight I put on is a bonus. So it's pizza this weekend.

So Jealous :-( I think about eating and put on weight.

Reply #152 Posted: March 27, 2015, 10:12:34 am

Offline Retardobot

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Mad respect, Fairy. Clap dem cheeks, girl.

Mrs. is on her own journey now. She's gone from a size 16 to a size 10. Squats and deadlifts like a king and is making me nervous with my leg press game (she's making gains fast).

Reply #153 Posted: March 27, 2015, 10:14:32 am

Offline Meesham

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I'm gaining, but it's all fat - 85kg to 94kg in the past 18 months. When I lived in Chch I used to do a heap of walking, we lived in Richmond and I would walk to the CBD or the Palms almost every day, the car hardly ever got used. Since moving to Dunedin we now live on the top of a hill so I find myself driving to most places.

Reply #154 Posted: March 27, 2015, 11:22:18 am

Offline 420fairy

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Mad respect, Fairy. Clap dem cheeks, girl.

Mrs. is on her own journey now. She's gone from a size 16 to a size 10. Squats and deadlifts like a king and is making me nervous with my leg press game (she's making gains fast).

Nice!!! Ive had to step up my game as squats/zumba/40km walk every week  just arent enough so have had to chuck planks in there skipping rope and furious masturbation to try and sweat more haha

Reply #155 Posted: March 27, 2015, 01:17:31 pm

Offline 420fairy

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I'm gaining, but it's all fat - 85kg to 94kg in the past 18 months. When I lived in Chch I used to do a heap of walking, we lived in Richmond and I would walk to the CBD or the Palms almost every day, the car hardly ever got used. Since moving to Dunedin we now live on the top of a hill so I find myself driving to most places.

Stop the driving!!! It wont be long before your body gets used to it.

Reply #156 Posted: March 27, 2015, 01:18:29 pm

Offline The Demon Lord

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and furious masturbation to try and sweat more haha

Why aren't I skinny then  :(

Reply #157 Posted: March 27, 2015, 01:44:56 pm

Offline Retardobot

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Because in all honesty, a 5 second wank doesn't many calories.

Reply #158 Posted: March 27, 2015, 02:02:19 pm

Offline private_hell

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ive lost 7kgs since the 28 jan. Combination of weight watchers, bootcamp and football. waist has lost quite a few cm's and rest of body is slowly changing size and shape is fat is being burnt off or changed to muscle.

mid may i should be under 100kg based on average weight loss at the moment - dropping average of half kilo a week. goal weight is 92.5kg - which i havent been since i started uni back in 2000. so long ago......

however knee does cause some pain since i have just come off a 6 week football break due to twisting my knee playing football. had physio and still did bootcamp - anytime the others had squats, i did bicycle crunches.

Reply #159 Posted: March 27, 2015, 11:02:02 pm
"Let him who desires peace prepare for war" - Flavius Vegetius Renatus (375AD) De Rei Militari

Offline Arseynimz

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I'm a bit late to this party, but I've been through many twists and turns in the last 12 months. So here's my story for you Fairy (albeit you've seen some of it via FB).

Split from now ex-wife, and battled with life for 6 months or so. Got to the other side of that, and started to deal with how life was going to work, and started down a fairly intense path of wanting to lose weight. I lost over 50kg in 20 months, and after a bit of a slump in the last few months, am back to the goal weight. Total loss is circa 55kgs, and I'm clocking in at 85kg  (started at over 140kg, and 85kg was always the goal), and ready to hit the gym. Most amazing of all (and the reason for the weight loss) is I can actually run again, and I love it. I'm entering running comps, and trail running (short course) like a boss. I have too fast a pace to do long distance at this time, so am just managing through what I can over short courses, and generally enjoying it.

The gym goal will just be to push through a few personal goals. I've done the bodybuilding thing in my younger days, and the regiment of food and gym is not something I want right now, so am content steadily building over a longer timeframe as I want. I've got a personal goal I'll go for, and that is how I go about doing things.

I've managed to get 50/50 custody of my kids, and I've also managed to see a whole new world out there. I've been scarce here because I've really immersed myself in to Ingress as my outlet of choice, and really enjoy it - it keeps me active, keeps me exploring, and is an awesomely social game. Very much like the multiplayer games of old - you meet people, you talk games, and you learn about their lives.

Craigor said something early on in this thread which was quite profound - it was something along the lines of 'you don't know what you're missing out on, until your eyes are opened to it', and that is what has happened to me. Once I split from my ex, I realised what I wanted, what I wanted to do, who the person I wanted to be with in the future was, and the things I wanted to achieve over time. I met someone late last year that really changed my views again, and is an amazing human; we instantly clicked, but at the same time it was a relationship destined for a problem as she was already heading overseas. Nonetheless, we did the relationship thing, had a ball, and I regret nothing of it.

It's at this point I'll say the two things I have taken on in my journey(s):
1. Keep learning. Learn what you did wrong. Learn what you did right. Learn why you did things. And learn from the mistakes.
2. Never regret. Regret is a wasted, negative, bullshit emotion. It achieves nothing; it cannot solve problems, and it cannot be fixed. Don't regret what you did, just learn from it. Don't regret that something happened, just make sure it doesn't happen again.

If anyone wants to chat about motivations, attitude changes, goal setting and achieving, or generally shifting mindsets - feel free to hit me up (FB me if you have me, or add if you don't).

Reply #160 Posted: March 28, 2015, 12:12:01 am
Maybe if i just click this.....shit...DV gonna be maaaaad!

Offline Xsannz

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GG Arsey

Reply #161 Posted: March 30, 2015, 06:58:49 am

Offline Pyromanik

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GG Arsey.

Reply #162 Posted: March 30, 2015, 07:24:48 am
Everyone needs more Bruce Campbell.

Offline Bert

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i have achieved 3/4 of my goal so far so im not far away from what i set out to do
lost more on the waist than what i originally wanted thats cool instead of a 30 inch im sitting on 29 may just go to 28 and call it a day. Dress size originally a 14 now sitting at a size 8 quite comfortably
Weight only 4 kg to go and ill be sitting at 55kg

well done Bert and Rii :)

Awesome! counting down those kgs! :D!!!!!

Reply #163 Posted: March 30, 2015, 07:11:10 pm

Offline 420fairy

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i have achieved 3/4 of my goal so far so im not far away from what i set out to do
lost more on the waist than what i originally wanted thats cool instead of a 30 inch im sitting on 29 may just go to 28 and call it a day. Dress size originally a 14 now sitting at a size 8 quite comfortably
Weight only 4 kg to go and ill be sitting at 55kg

well done Bert and Rii :)

Awesome! counting down those kgs! :D!!!!!

Im trying to not at all - because its getting harder like Rii said it would to get the last few off so I will only weigh once a month now but check progress via tape measure. Also im confident once I give up vodka cruisers itll come off much faster.

Im not far off from achieving it and I am really proud of what I have done; I have gone through some horrific drama in other parts of my personal life and rather than head down a black hole I used my anger, sadness and frustration to keep working out and turning the negatives to positives. yeah i know im wearing a bra whooo look at it as a bikini.
Last Edit: April 01, 2015, 09:47:24 pm by 420fairy

Reply #164 Posted: April 01, 2015, 02:49:26 pm

Offline Growler

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Put 1 up with nothing on so we can see better :)

I just started my drug withdrawal, 3 years on tramadol (opiate), last 3 months have been slowly reducing the dosage and now I'm in no mans land. 36 hours and I feel like absolute crap, hot sweats, cold sweats, aches & cramps, shakes and can't sleep to fucking save myself. But 1 night down and hopefully only a few weeks of it getting easier and easier then I am home free!

I got no idea how hard out addicts get over shit, props to them.

Reply #165 Posted: April 01, 2015, 04:01:24 pm
Think of me like Yoda,
but instead of being little and green,
I wear suits and I'm awesome.
I'm your bro - I'm Broda!

Offline BerG

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Yep, I've had some life changing decisions in the last few years.

Realised my stable boring life with a good job and obedient girlfriend was just me clinging to this ideal we have been indoctrinated with, that the goal of every good man should be to settle down, have kids, work hard, and dont complain.

Fuck that.

Im throwing caution to the wind. I'm causing trouble. I'm rebelling against the system. I intend to start doing drugs with the ultimate goal of enlightening myself on DMT. I'm slacking off, living large, and rooting bitches.

The constant sexually transmitted infections are the only problem, dem bitches need to take more antibiotics.
Last Edit: April 02, 2015, 06:07:16 pm by BerG

Reply #166 Posted: April 01, 2015, 07:29:25 pm

Offline 420fairy

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Put 1 up with nothing on so we can see better :)

I just started my drug withdrawal, 3 years on tramadol (opiate), last 3 months have been slowly reducing the dosage and now I'm in no mans land. 36 hours and I feel like absolute crap, hot sweats, cold sweats, aches & cramps, shakes and can't sleep to fucking save myself. But 1 night down and hopefully only a few weeks of it getting easier and easier then I am home free!

I got no idea how hard out addicts get over shit, props to them.

oh my growler i feel for you that must be fucking difficult..i know i shouldnt suggest but pull a bong or two it will help or make a pot of tea literally. Some addicts go cold turkey some wean themselves off others. Start taking milk thistle that is excellent for detoxing your insides. Keep hydrated thats really important too. Good luck babe hugs xox

Reply #167 Posted: April 01, 2015, 09:50:27 pm

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GW Berg.

Buy a powerful motorbike and ride it as fast as you can go.

It's hell fun.

I just got back from the Bay of Islands on this one.
Last Edit: April 02, 2015, 04:48:10 pm by Zarkov

Reply #168 Posted: April 02, 2015, 04:42:02 pm

Offline BerG

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GW Berg.

Buy a powerful motorbike and ride it as fast as you can go.

It's hell fun.

I just got back from the Bay of Islands on this one.

Nice one! I do in fact have a motorcycle in the pipeline...with some 'special' modifications. You will love it.

Maybe we could start a motorcycle gang?

Reply #169 Posted: April 02, 2015, 06:09:58 pm

Offline Pitchey

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No break downs Zarkov? Hmmm, you must have gotten one of the good ones! lol

Reply #171 Posted: April 02, 2015, 07:28:23 pm

Offline desertergreg

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This thread is fucking amazing awesome....Go you bitches, don't ever give up even if you slip back a whole lot.

Reply #172 Posted: April 08, 2015, 08:26:55 pm
Quote from: Nostargate;1363344
I roofled once, it was a party.....i was young and naive.....................................

Offline 420fairy

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Put 1 up with nothing on so we can see better :)

I just started my drug withdrawal, 3 years on tramadol (opiate), last 3 months have been slowly reducing the dosage and now I'm in no mans land. 36 hours and I feel like absolute crap, hot sweats, cold sweats, aches & cramps, shakes and can't sleep to fucking save myself. But 1 night down and hopefully only a few weeks of it getting easier and easier then I am home free!

I got no idea how hard out addicts get over shit, props to them.

How did the first week go babe? Did you see T&K like we talked about? Im usually up till 3am so if you need to vent holler at me
Anytime :)

I lost a little more off the waist than i wanted - i was aiming for 30 inches im now at 28inches so now I have to change my style of
excercise to toning.  Went and tried on a dress at an Asian clothing store because their clothes are so tiny just to see and I was
taken aback after their size 8 dress was too big so I can squeeze into a 6 comfortably. I have to slow down now because a 6 is too small
And i dont want to look sick. I have not weighed in yet but I will be super fucked off if I am still sitting around the 59-60kg mark
It seems to be taking fucking forever to get to 55 or is that just unrealistic?

At some point I need to address the other drastic changes in my life - I have been in denial about that and have literally
pushed it to the back of my mind which isnt the way to deal with it but its been fucking crazy and insane. Some of you here
would know immediately what I am on about as I have shared those with some you - I would share it in here but its
super personal. Arsey is about the only one who's faced the same issues as I have and its nice to know there is light at the end of
this tunnel of struggle and heartbreak.

But it hasnt been all negative - I have met a bunch of new people and reconnected with my friends who didnt like Mr Fairy
and we lost touch.  Havent jumped into another relationship - way too soon although I am being "courted" in a sense by
someone who is nothing like I am used to so will see how that pans out.
Last Edit: April 09, 2015, 08:45:47 am by 420fairy

Reply #173 Posted: April 09, 2015, 08:40:44 am

Offline Growler

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Going well, think I am over the worst of it now, long weekend away helped and sent myself to bed after a few massive pints of Gin!

Next steps booked, CT scans and see my surgeon on 30th, hopefully he can figure it out. To put it simply I haven't had a pain free day in over 3 years and it's been a constant battle for the last 20 years, every morning and night is like having2 severely  sprained ankles, I hate getting out of bed in the morning!

Reply #174 Posted: April 09, 2015, 08:46:50 am
Think of me like Yoda,
but instead of being little and green,
I wear suits and I'm awesome.
I'm your bro - I'm Broda!